Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Mommyhood Madness - Schedules

Hello again blog readers! No, I haven't abandoned my blog...I just took a little blog vacation. Josh was on vacation last week, and lets just say that our schedule was totally thrown out the window. Add to that a crazy stressful week for me with worrying about and preparing for running my first 5K and doing my first Tastefully Simple party, and I didn't get anything accomplished! Its not until I have weeks like this that I realize how much I rely on our 'schedule'. Without my schedule last week, none of the cleaning got done, I only ran twice (and one of those times was in the actual race), didn't workout at all except for those 2 runs, didn't blog, my diet was non-existent, and the kids stayed up late almost every night. Now don't get me wrong - it was so nice to have Josh home for the week. I'm sure I would have totally lost my mind if I had to deal with the kids by myself and try to cope with the stress I was dealing with. Plus, its always nice to take a little break from the 'norm' and shake things up a bit. But, I must say that I'm looking forward to getting back to our regularly scheduled program. :) Whatever that may be because I'm also dealing with the change in schedule of not having pre-school or cheering any more. But, the cleaning will be done, and hopefully my diet and workout schedule will get back on track! So, here's to appreciating vacations AND returning to reality! Have a great week everyone!

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